October 20, 2022

Health Insurance Costs are Making Way for Alternatives Like Value Based Models

Health insurance costs continue to increase, forcing employers to look elsewhere

At Vitable, we believe we are at the advent of a new era of care, health, wellness, and vitality. There were 27.9 million people without health insurance in 2020, and record-high unemployment will increase that figure by millions. In the wealthiest country in the world, the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the broken core of our healthcare system. Any viable solution to this requires a dramatic overhaul of a system that has prioritized cost over care for decades.

“The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them.”
- Albert Einstein

Consider this: until the germ theory was developed in the late 1800s, a high percentage of women and children died during childbirth, and no one could understand why. In military skirmishes, more men were dying from small wounds and diseases than from the major traumas on the front lines. But as soon as the germ theory was developed, a whole new paradigm and improved way of understanding what was happening made dramatic, significant medical improvement possible. We are now in the midst of yet another paradigm shift, a fundamental change in the way we approach and deliver healthcare.

While there are many areas that contribute to the high cost of health insurance, the fact of the matter is the delivery of it is cost-prohibitive. Here are three reasons why:

  1. It's Highly Fragmented -- the complex and fragmented structure of U.S. health care, from billing to care delivery, can unnecessarily prolong administrative processes and increase overhead.
  2. We pay a fee for the number of services --  in many parts of the healthcare ecosystem, people are paid for volume, so that fuels an orientation toward, 'We might as well get an extra scan.' It's in the economic interest of the hospital, the physician, the health care system to do more when they're being paid fee-for-service, and the justification is that more is better (more money). As a result, there’s lower usage of Primary Care.
  3. Major hospitals and insurance companies are consolidating  -- there are only a few companies providing health insurance or medical care. This means that, again, there's little to no incentive for them to lower costs since patients don't have much of a choice.

What Alternatives Are There To Traditional Health Insurance?

Despite the enormous cost that we have in America for healthcare, we don't get the same value of our healthcare dollar as we should. That is why we at Vitable have set out to define what we see as the future of Primary Health, and a set of services that create the foundation of what we have described as:

Modern, Affordable, and Convenient Healthcare''.

We are doing this because we have found it critical to define what we do to establish the unique value proposition of our care delivery model in a world jam packed with complexity.

Vitable provides a unique set of services. From Primary Care such as annual physicals, vaccines, and blood work to Urgent Care such as infections, cold & flu, and minor injuries. We also provide extensive coverage including Virtual Health, Women’s Health, Sexual Health, Dermatology Care, and more.

Our model is further fueled by significant investments to modernize the Primary & Urgent Care approach to ensure members have comprehensive personal care for healthier living. Our model reinvents how healthcare is billed by eliminating fee-for-service payment models while ensuring and encouraging innovation from the care team with a focus on outcomes.

We make it easy to see a clinician virtually through our mobile app with the goal of reducing unnecessary ER and urgent care visits by up to 70%. We fuse this virtual care with on the move, on-demand in-home care with our board certified practitioners. They are able to evaluate, diagnose, and prescribe medicine which will be delivered right to your door.

We practice techniques which provide care for individuals and employers by working together in an integrated, coordinated, and comprehensive way to achieve stated health outcome goals. These care teams are accountable to their members and are expected to innovate using a variety of technology, programs, and services to increase the health of our members. Our members are more than just customers, we develop a relationship with each and every one. Our care model is not transactional but relational, and we are here to provide empathetic continuous care versus episodic urgent care.

This more comprehensive, integrated, and coordinated care delivery creates a robust and flexible care model.  We go the extra mile, literally, by bringing our providers right to your door. This model of care erases waiting rooms and long hold times. Our business model depends on reducing the total cost of care and our success is predicated on our ability to take care of our members by improving the quality of their lives.